House Guide

Fishing Guides

Many of our guests ask about fishing guides. so here's a list of our top three. They book up fast, so you might consider contacting them soon to make your reservations. Alex Porter 1-361-774-5957 http...

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House Guide


Due to severe allergy issues among our family members, we must keep our properties absolutely free of animal hair and dander. As much as we know everyone loves their pets, we have made the decision to maintain our no animal policy without exce...

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House Guide


Here are several blog posts that make up our house guide for your upcoming rental. Please provide this link to everyone in your group so that they will have all of the information about your stay. Booking Information (https://getawaytoporta...

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House Guide

Dining Guide

Here's a list of the places the Chamber of Commerce keeps: Port A Chamber Restaurant List ( Times have changed a bit with the recent pandemic, and some have shifted their menus an...

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House Guide


Lots of people ask questions about the grills and how we handle them, so hopefully this will answer all of those questions. There is a gas grill on the patio - we do not provide or allow charcoal grills at our houses. Sometimes guests will lea...

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