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To be sure your vacation is not ruined by an unexpected parking ticket or having your vehicle towed, we are providing the following reminders as excerpted from our listing and house rules.

Please be sure everyone in your group knows and understands these rules.

Parking is strictly limited to up to 3 NORMAL SIZED vehicles plus one or two carts per house. Trailers count as vehicles.

If you are bringing dually crew cabs or expedition sized SUVs you will not have room for more than 3 vehicles and should plan accordingly.

Parking is limited to only paved concrete driveways.

Sidewalks must never be blocked by vehicles, motorcycles, carts, trailers, or anything else.

You may not park in the driveways of units you have not reserved.

You may not park on gravel or landscaping.

You may not park on the street.

You may not park in our neighbor's empty lot next door or across the street.

If you absolutely must bring more than 3 vehicles total per house, we have overflow parking on lots we own within a couple blocks (very short walk or cart ride) for $100 per vehicle for your entire stay.

You are responsible for notifying everyone in your group about these rules.

The City of Port Aransas is extremely serious about their vehicle and occupancy laws and you are responsible for complying with them. I cannot overemphasize how important remaining within our city designated parking limitation is. Please don't have your vacation ruined by having to pay to remove your vehicles from impound for being illegally parked.